The pool owner is responsible for the registration of their pool and providing Adam’s Pool Fence Inspections Victoria the correct construction date of the pool as determined by council.
Once the pool owner has engaged our services, they must give hours notice in writing eg text message or email to cancel engagement with Adam’s Pool Fence Inspections.
Once engagement of our services is confirmed between the pool owner and Adam’s Pool Fence Inspections Victoria, the pool owner cannot change pool barrier/fence inspectors.
Adam’s Pool Fence Inspections Victoria cannot take over inspections from another inspector, if that inspector has already carried out an initial inspection. It’s a breach of Victoria Building Authority rules.
Payment may be made for services provided by Adams Pool Fence Inspections Victoria, either in cash, by credit card on our website or by direct debit.
Adam’s Pool Fence Inspections Victoria will at all times work with the pool owner to ensure compliance and overall safety of the pool barrier is obtained.
The pool owner is expected to meet the timelines of the inspectors from Adam’s Pool Fence Inspections for maintenance and required repair work to obtain compliance.